A Time for Everything

The sun is up as I arise.  Not that that is unusual.  This is sign of God’s faithfulness.  God hasn’t missed a day so far!

On the advice of others and my own recognition, I am taking today as a day of rest – a sabbath.

As a pastor there is always another thing to do, another person to contact, another activity to be involved in.  I watch our oil patch workers and see the same pattern of too many days work, not enough rest.  I watch our society and wonder how long constant days running a business, town or country without some form of rest will last.

Thus the proliferation of Christian books regarding the Sabbath and rest.  I don’t remember hearing of books on sabbath when there was a “Lord’s day” and even, in our small town, Wednesday afternoons retail stores were not open.

Of course, this has meant a lot of scheduling and preparation.  And a mental attitude for today.  I will jot down thoughts pertaining to work and leave them until tomorrow. 

If I do need to pull an animal out of a well, I will do that – but I’m hoping that doesn’t have to happen!  I remember the last time I was around someone who pulled a cow out of a well, the animal was dead and bloated, and the water was not drinkable for some time.  Good reason to rescue the animal before death occurs.

So, off to work, . . . oops, rest I go!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Gerald

    Enjoy fully, Ron. A good time to re-charge and just enjoy the day. Regards: Gerald

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