A view

As I was speaking to a group this morning, I mentioned that my father homesteaded just “over by the bluff of trees.”  Afterwards one of the group said I was pointing the wrong way.  Instead, I needed to come up to his apartment and look out from their piazza (nice term for balcony).

Four floors up and a clear view of the surrounding fields.  We peered to the west, and there was the homestead.  Amazing how much one can enjoy a view for miles and miles and miles.  A field was ripening just below us.  Off to the north was Walmart peeking out of the ground.  To the south is our local park/dam. 

When you view the landscape from a height, you have to enjoy what you see!  This is truly a prairie scene, a land of the living sky!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Big Sis

    Hey bro… you meant you were peering to the east, right? because Kindersley hasn’t grown that much that it has gobbled up the farmland and placed the homestead downtown. (:

  2. Ron Baker

    right you are. Never could figure out my east and west!!

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