A year of days

52 days to go.

My remarriage to Cynthia Bellamy will happen on July 13th at 2:00 in the afternoon at the Kindersley Alliance Church.

That is a factual statement that some days seems surreal.

And other days certain things pop up and you realize this will happen.  I sat with my church board last night and discussed the next few weeks.  I awoke this morning to a realization that 52 days are to come and then marriage. 

Yes, planning has been in the place!  A number of things are in place including amalgamating households, figuring out schooling, honeymoon plans and even minor things like scheduling daily phone calls.

But, as the old saying goes, “sometimes it takes time for the heart to catch up with the head.”

So, today, a year of days is in front of me.  I am excited – and a bit scared – and praying to God to continue to guide!

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