What runs under!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

We have just had a look at our furnace duct work under our house.  Not a pretty sight.  Next week we will need to get some further advice.

Basically water has rusted out some of the duct work.  There are some options, none of which is without expense and time.

In the midst of all this, I’m pushing myself to trust God.  Seems like a small thing to start with him first.  But in most of life I start with him after the figuring out, the advise seeking and the calculated scenarios.  This time I sense a need to do all of the above, after I first get a personal chat with God.  And that chat is just a little reminder to God that not everything goes right all the time.  I’m trusting him to make this one of those “learning experiences.”  And if God has something further, I guess I want to be open.

So, here is my night prayer.

“God, keep me open.  Don’t let my worries overwhelm me.  Bring joy in the morning and throughout the night!”

Good night!

Love and Respect!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

There is a book I have just started reading.  “Love and Respect” by Emerson Eggerichs.

A little over a year ago, a friend of mine was teaching the principles from this book.  He claimed it to be one of the best approaches to marriage that he had encountered.  He has done counselling for over two decades.  So, I was interested!

I checked out the website.  Some good things there.

But not until this week had I run across the book easily accessible to me.  And at price I was ready to give.

The premise is that men are to love women in marriage — women to respect men.  Then a marriage will function well.

I’m interested to see how this relates to other premises I have heard about well functioning marriages.  Without delving too far into the book, I suspect that when a man loves a women he is providing security for her.  When a woman respects a man, she is giving him power in the relationship. 

I could be a long way off — but then, that’s why I like to read books.  The interaction of my thoughts with those of an author make a book another guest around my table!!

The other side of nowhere?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Help me out! 

It’s halloween and time for a scary story!! 

I’ll start a story and let’s see where it goes.

“Into the evening staggered an event of extreme importance. 

The daylight had been shaded with wisps of cirrus clouds and stabs of chilly wind.  Around the grounds of the humble abode, once stately flowers were now withered stubs.

As if to announce the evening’s folly, a piercing yowl arose from the depths of the flatland.  As if brushed by a hawk’s breath, a frightened rabbit skirted around stubble and moldy hay bales.

There in the center of the field arose a frightening . . .”

OK, that’s the start.  Notice the use of adjectives and unusual action verbs!!  Let’s see what develops.

To Saskatoon and back!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The bus ride was great! 

39 interested persons.  Two more join us. 

With over 40 in tow, the tour operators take us around.  They show the sights.  We eat a delicious noon meal.  Afternoon coffee break includes dutch pastries.

We come with one thing in mind.  To see, know and understand.

The object of our affection?

A seniors complex called Caleb Manor!!

Yes, we were there to see a model of seniors housing.  A scaled down model would end up being the possible thing for Kindersley.  We’ll see!!

By the way, the ride was great.  Even the singing on the way back was enjoyable!!