The other side of nowhere?

Help me out! 

It’s halloween and time for a scary story!! 

I’ll start a story and let’s see where it goes.

“Into the evening staggered an event of extreme importance. 

The daylight had been shaded with wisps of cirrus clouds and stabs of chilly wind.  Around the grounds of the humble abode, once stately flowers were now withered stubs.

As if to announce the evening’s folly, a piercing yowl arose from the depths of the flatland.  As if brushed by a hawk’s breath, a frightened rabbit skirted around stubble and moldy hay bales.

There in the center of the field arose a frightening . . .”

OK, that’s the start.  Notice the use of adjectives and unusual action verbs!!  Let’s see what develops.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Big Sis

    … there arose a frightening pale orange orb.

    A hissing whisper was heard, “Charlie Brown, get your head down or the Great Pumpkin will never appear.”

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