Kids in the Kitchen
This is becoming an annual event.
My wife, Jill, and I enjoy working together. This has been the story of our life. In our first pastorate she was as well known for her work with the youth as I was. She mentored youth that still remember her to this day.
So, when she wanted to have me help out in the kitchen, I was ready! A little hesitant, but ready.
You see, I’m not a cook — I may be a Baker, but not a cook! Over the past number of years Jill has distinguished herself in that area. Relative to her (as I truly am by marriage), I’m a mere novice.
Last year we had six grade 6/7 kids show up for six weeks, once a week (if you can understand that last 16 word phrase, I commend you). We taught them hand washing, and spaghetti cooking, and biscuit baking, and smoothie making — along with a lot of other tasty treat goodies.
This year we signed up again. Today was our first day — pizza bagels (how to mix two ethnic foods into one!!). What fun! Sharp knives and broiling ovens. Accompanied by the swift patter of six grade sixers/seveners. They never seemed to stop talking.
Would I trade this life? I don’t think so!! What a great way to get to know your community. I never want to forget that elementary school kids are as much a part of this society as I am. We all bring different experiences and gifts. None of us are to be considered greater than any other — we are all made in the image of God.
So, I watched all of those images walking around today, and laughing, and having fun. If that’s a sign of who God is, then there’s more to God than meets the eye!!