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This afternoon I headed to a suggested blog. The blog had a review of a book I have read. The review had been suggested by an email.

A lot of good insight on this blog. So I took a look at some of the other entries. Again, a site to consider.

Interestingly, there have been no comments on this blog. I’ve wondered how we rate blogs. I’m inclined to say that the more comments, the better the blog.

In this case, the content seems good. But perhaps the reading of this blog is what I see with my blog. I have a few faithful readers who comment by other means (phone, email, visits). I have not designed my blog to address a national or international issue. Rather, it is here to keep people updated on my life. Every once in a while I hit on a “hot button” issue and a few more people drop by to visit the site. After that spike, the usage returns to normal. Who knows, after I get WordPress up and running, maybe a few more will drop in for a while. But if my dad reads this, or my siblings, or some close friends, I’m glad.

Feel free to comment (might even boost my exposure — if not my self-esteem!!).

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Wayne

    Hi Ron, I admit to being one of those people who reads your blog regularly, but rarely comments… I guess I forget you don’t know how much I enjoy it unless I tell you :o)

  2. Michael

    Hi Ron. I came across your blog a few months back (almost by accident) and usually kick-start my day by visiting your page.

  3. Doug Robertson

    I read your blog… sporadically, by that I mean I catch up on things periodically and read several posts all at once. But I do read it and yes I know this is much later than you had posted. I am farther behind now as it seems I need to renew my rss reader.

    Keep writing!

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