Cars and celebrations

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Saturday was a combined 50th anniversary party.  Glen and Lorraine Sitter and Bruce and Freda Baker.  Glen and Freda are brother and sister.  Both were married in 1957.  A few months apart.  But due to circumstances, Freda had been unable to be at her brother’s wedding.

50 years later they were able to be at each other’s anniversaries.  The afternoon was a come and go tea with lots of guests.  The evening was close relatives for a BBQ.  The food was great — I enjoyed it with my parents and others seated in the beautiful outdoors of Glen’s acreage.

Also on the acreage was the following — can you tell my what this roadster is? 

Two verses

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

My wife shunted this thought my way!

Imagine a king who is about to be routed in war.  Best defense is an offense?  Find more weaponry?  Maybe some mercenaries?  How about secretive spying?

In the book of II Chronicles there is a king in a predicament.  Jehoshaphat is about to lose.  And what does he say in the end.  Go to the second chapter (verse 12).  The words are addressed directly to God.  I’m kind of considering adopting this as a life statement for myself.

  • "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you."

And then, I wasn’t planning on looking at this paragraph in the first book that Peter had written (fourth chapter , second paragraph).  Just one of those things — you are reading something and it leads to a footnote or comment.  The footnote or comment leads to another thought . . . and "bang", your head feels the blow of a thought freshly painted on the canvas of your life.

  •  The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Serendipity moments are great!

Music to end the day!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Although I tend to tire by the end of the day — I find sitting and playing/singing music is a pick-up for me.

At 7:00 this evening we started.  A practice for a concert at the end of the month.  Three guitars, a piano and a synthesizer.  Gathered around the music of Wayne Gibson. 

Two new pieces.  All of us added our opinions and musical flourishes.

There’s nothing quite as exciting as the creative process.  One hears something.  Another plays a serendipity musical phrase.  Another listens and tries out something new.

That’s where life seems to begin.  The composer starts the life of the piece.  Then other musicians add their comments and considerations.  Soon the ebb and flow of the piece begins to take on shape.  And after two hours of practice on one song, a new creation begins to evolve.

And that’s when I realize I haven’t been thinking about sore knees or a gnawing stomach.  I haven’t been overtaken with concerns or worries.  

This time is for the music!  And what fun it is!  I hope heaven has a few places just to hang out and do music!!

Car creaks and other squeaks

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

For the last while we’ve heard it!

A thwunk (not quite a thud, but not a thwack).  As we tranverse the town, each bump in the road calls forth the thwunk.

At first, the sound seemed to emanate from the front of the car.  Then the trunk seemed to capture the sound waves.  Now we’re not sure!

A suggested fix would be around $2,000 — the car is a 1994 model.  The worth is not so great that we to proceed with the fix.  At the same time, the alternative is a "new" old car.  And they are not cheap.

The conundrum?  To find a fix or a car for cheaper than the alternatives!

Keep tuned, we’ll have to see where this one goes — or maybe a barrell full of WD40 would to the trick??