Oh brother, how old art thou?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Each time one of us slips into the 50th year, I’m reminded that we’re only half way there!  My brother hits 50 this coming Monday.  He’s doing well for his age.  A wife, a son, aches and pains – normal things for normal people.

My grandfather used to say that he would “live to be a hundred or die in the attempt!” 

So, my brother, I wish for you the same.

Living with loss

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Last night was a journey for me.

I spoke at a session given by our ministerial.  The two month, once a week group was dealing with “living with loss.”   Each person (regularly three attended) had a death in their immediate circle in this last year.

I figured I could just walk in – easily provide the information for my session called “God/Faith and our loss, ” and walk out!

As I began to prepare, I wondered if I coudl feel for this group.  Little did I know! 

My wife almost died five years ago.  My father-in-law died three years ago while we were swimming a river together.  This summer my younger brother died of cancer.  Right now I am walking through cancer with two of our congregation.

My thoughts were not in a “three point aermon” outline.  They were in a story form based on my experiences and upon what I know of God.   I know that God is in charge – that is a faith statement which has observations of his workings mixed in.  I know that God strengthens those who call on him – faith and fact mix once again.  I know that where I have suffered I can comfort others, just as God has comforted me.

Nothing profound.  Just God, me and the others sitting around a table.  Talking.  Laughing.  Crying.  Hearing each others’ stories and trusting God to speak.

On our way

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We’re headed out the door.  It’s 7:00 in the morning.  Off to pick up our daughter and grandson in Prince Albert.  They’re the first to get here for the Christmas holidays.  More to come!

Be back tonight!

They're coming!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Mom and Dad Baker are here for the holidays!

So, yesterday we started arranging for people they will want to see.  Dad was born here in Kindersley back on December 29th, 1918.  So we have a family birthday celebration planned for the 28th (they fly back home on the 29th).  Two sisters, our daughter, grandson (this will be the first time mom and dad see him in the flesh!), and families will all gather here.  And the party will be fun.

Before that my dad’s sisters are planning to get together.  Now, you have to understand, none of them are young — at least in body.  But otherwise you can’t keep them down.  I’m afraid to try to keep up with them when they get going.  So, I’ll sit back and laugh and serve coffee, and learn something new.

As well, there are the old friends who have been with them (some of them from the time my dad was born).  The best man, the couple who got married around the same time as them, the girlfriend from the days my mom worked at the local hospital, the friend from down the road (and don’t forget this was a country road) who used to walk over to hang out with my dad’s family.  We’re trying to contact them all and see if they can come over.

This is the first time in decades that my mom and dad will be with us for Christmas.  The memories will be great!  I’ll keep you posted!