I didn’t stay up all night

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

While elections are an overview of a moment in time, the results last for an extended time. 

Canadians had it easy in this latest American election.  I went to bed early, and didn’t have to jump awake in the morning to find out who the President was.  The farther from the center of the election, the easier it is to be objective.


Canadian know that the chess movement of our next door player affects our own security.  The media outlets today were about dissecting the election.  The final dissection will not take place for four more years.  Even then, the death of a term in office doesn’t seem to kill the good or the bad.

The shadow of our lives linger over the lives of our children and their children.

And so, I wonder what the shadow will be from this most recent election? 

Hymn sing

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

One of my great enjoyments in life is leading hymn sings. 

Yesterday, I chose about 10 or 12 favourite hymns from a listing of “100 favourite hymns of all time”.  If the internet is good for anything, making lists seems to create an overflow online!

As we began to sing, I could tell we had a full four part harmony group.  After a few lively piano-accompanied songs, acappella singing resonated throughout the room.  There is nothing like a good running bass line to make a song pop.

As we continued on, I could see various expressions on people’s faces.  Songs often attach themselves to past events.  A death, an anniversary, a holiday, a meaningful spiritual experience.  The first chord seems to trigger that memory.  There were smiles and some tears.

The end of the evening focused on heaven songs.  For many who were present, this is the “next big thing” in their lives.  They have lived a good life and now anticipate a great life in the next life.

There are many reasons to enjoy music.  I just like making music with others who like making music to express their own joys, sorrows and life experiences – and to lift that music up to God!

Reflecting on RomComs

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’m one of those men who likes Romantic Comedies.  My wife likes Action movies.  We work well together – the mirror image of the typical stereotypes!

Over the years, you realize that RomCom plots and theme lines are fairly predictable.   Minute 25 is the first kiss, minute 55 is the unveiling of the lie, and minute 80 is the reconciliation.  The movies that actually hold your attention are the ones with a little bit of the unexpected.

Out of the ordinary is enjoyable.   Constantly out of the ordinary is annoying and aggravating.

The term “capricious” reflects the idea of being unable to count on someone – given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour.  When people can’t count on you, connection with others is lost.  Over time you become “eccentric”, and then finally you are considered to be “obsolete”.  Or at best a hermit or a recluse.

The term “constant” reflects the idea of security – occurring continuously over a period of time.  The sun rises each day, God is in control.  The air we breathe sustains our life, minute by minute.  The night sky has far away stars and planets.  And every so often, not always but occasionally, the aurora borealis lights the evening sky.

God has a certain romance and comedy in his daily actions.  With a little flair for the different!

I rather enjoy God’s daily RomComs.

Looking forward

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I awoke this morning looking forward to my wife’s return.  She’s been off with relatives enjoying sun, fun and fellowship.

Which got me thinking.

Often one of our greatest motivators in life is the “next thing”.  We imagine having visitors, staging events, building something, finishing renovations, and a host of other activities.  As the completion date approaches, we wait in anticipation.  Afterwards, even failed events are stored in our memory bank – for withdrawal on a rainy day.

When you can no longer physically attend the “next thing,” or find that you are restricted – is there another “next thing” that you tap into?

As I have rubbed shoulders with seniors (the ones that are older than me), I find that heaven gets talked about.  “I think God forgot me,” is a comment I’ve heard more than once.  “I’m ready any time,” is another wish expressed to me. “I’m looking forward to heaven,” is not an unusual response.

And so, if you are with seniors or terminal patients, you will find that they have a “next thing” in mind.  We may want to tell them that there are still things to do here on earth.  We may need to spend our energy on planning their next thing with them. 

Use your imagination, and join them as they plan.  Your effort will be appreciated.