Hymn sing

One of my great enjoyments in life is leading hymn sings. 

Yesterday, I chose about 10 or 12 favourite hymns from a listing of “100 favourite hymns of all time”.  If the internet is good for anything, making lists seems to create an overflow online!

As we began to sing, I could tell we had a full four part harmony group.  After a few lively piano-accompanied songs, acappella singing resonated throughout the room.  There is nothing like a good running bass line to make a song pop.

As we continued on, I could see various expressions on people’s faces.  Songs often attach themselves to past events.  A death, an anniversary, a holiday, a meaningful spiritual experience.  The first chord seems to trigger that memory.  There were smiles and some tears.

The end of the evening focused on heaven songs.  For many who were present, this is the “next big thing” in their lives.  They have lived a good life and now anticipate a great life in the next life.

There are many reasons to enjoy music.  I just like making music with others who like making music to express their own joys, sorrows and life experiences – and to lift that music up to God!

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