Me and the boys

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Old hard drives need to be disabled – too much data, too easily retrieved if left unharmed in a waste site.

So, yesterday I had six young men bash away at old hard drives I had accumulated over the years. 

In a civilized manner.

With a sledge hammer.

Ten swings each.  Wearing safety goggles.  Standing a safe distance from the one swinging the hammer.

Just for the fun of it.

Imagine this:  All six have come over for a games night.  They are absorbed in a video game – yelling and screaming – intensely involved.

I wander into the room and mention that I needed help to destroy the harddrives.  I figur they will shut down the game in a few minutes, and then come.  Instead, they immediately jockey for position to line up behind me as I lead them out to the destruction zone.

Who says this next generation is addicted to video games?  I think a viable alternative is all they need!

The Conference

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The beginning of this week I was at our denomination’s District Conference.

The area covered is large – Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nunavut and some of Northern Ontario.  The population is somewhat sparse.  The largest city is Winnipeg.

Our church population is not large.  We have less than 100 churches, but are attempting to aggressively multiply.  That means discussions both at the conference and outside the conference.

One approach being discussed is apostolic/entrepreneurial leadership.  These terms sound new and yet old.  As I understand it, the idea is to have a pioneering attitude. 

Church life is to no longer be about sustaining a building and a committed group of people.  We are to look out beyond ourselves and invite others in.  Not necessarily to the building or even to an insider group of people.  But to invite them into life with Jesus and with His followers.

That is a challenge that is worth considering.

More than that – acting upon!

The Home Row Key

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I took a typing class when I was in Grade 8. 

All things start from the home row keys.  I became so obsessed with the home row keys that I learned them from memory.  I could rhyme it off out loud and in my head with my fingers involuntarily following each letter:  a;sldkfjghfjdksla;.

From there, you learned the keys above and below.  You learned to place your hands on the keyboard with your fingers lightly resting on that home row.  When your fingers were flying all over the place, they always came back to rest on the home row.

Some days I forget that simple lesson.  Start from home and return home.

As I awoke this morning, I was quite scattered.  My thoughts were all over the place.  We are taking possession of a home today.  I’m off to a Conference.  And much more.

The best place to rest is in God.  And the best place to return to is God.

So I had to reset my flying thoughts back to the rest found in God.  The REST of the day will be just that, finding rest in God. 

And then, it is well with my soul!

The yard

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The other day I spent a few hours in the yard. 

The grass was growing, although sparse rain for the last weeks has not helped.  Prayer for rain in currently in the forecast!  The weeds had also made a stand.  We have tried out a friendly weed killer and fertilizer on the front lawn and it seems to be working.

I love to watch as the leaves push their way out into a full stretch, brightening the landscape with green.  Sparrows and other song birds begin to chirp and sing. 

And the temperature?  Well, we are still trying to figure that one out.  A day or so ago we almost hit freezing once again.  But for the most part I don’t need a jacket.

This is the spring time of the year.  A time of promise and expectation.

With this time comes a heart impulse – to see promise in each situation in which I am found. 

May God grant to all of us a sense of his warming work that melts a winter time’s blanket of disappointment and leads to a summer time’s covering of hope.