The Conference

The beginning of this week I was at our denomination’s District Conference.

The area covered is large – Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nunavut and some of Northern Ontario.  The population is somewhat sparse.  The largest city is Winnipeg.

Our church population is not large.  We have less than 100 churches, but are attempting to aggressively multiply.  That means discussions both at the conference and outside the conference.

One approach being discussed is apostolic/entrepreneurial leadership.  These terms sound new and yet old.  As I understand it, the idea is to have a pioneering attitude. 

Church life is to no longer be about sustaining a building and a committed group of people.  We are to look out beyond ourselves and invite others in.  Not necessarily to the building or even to an insider group of people.  But to invite them into life with Jesus and with His followers.

That is a challenge that is worth considering.

More than that – acting upon!

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