Six years later

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I preach in a town an hour away (Leader) on Sunday.  The request came as their pastor is currently on a mission trip to Niger.

I began to cast through my memory and find some thoughts that have stuck with me over the years.  Psalm 90 kept surfacing.

In an effort to see what I have preached on the topic, I went looking for a sermon I knew I had preached (I have a small card detailing the main points).  Apparently, for all my filing abilities, that particular sermon is not to be found.

So I had to actually rewrite the sermon – based upon a few words on a card and a whole Psalm in the Bible!  Not a bad approach.  I look back over the past six years and can see these prayers have stretched my life.  Here are the main thoughts from Psalm 90:13-17:

    • Surprise me with your love
    • Give me as many good days as bad days
    • Show me what you are doing
    • Captivate me with your majesty
    • Make my work meaningful

Should be an interesting Sunday!

From beginning to end

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

A clarinet choir is in town today.  One of my good friends is playing in this group based out of Brandon University.  They are at the beginning of their careers, and I expect will shine!  The concert is before a group of elementary students – who will be inspired to greater things in their own musical endevours.

Also today, a seminar on funeral planning.  This is the end of time.  Being ready to not “be”, at least physically.  This will have a sense of promotion, it is put on by a company that assists people in setting aside money for funerals.  At the same time, the information will be well worth it.

Off to the great expanse called today.  Who knows what else will come!

Finger test, crows and sparrows and open windows

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The morning bike ride brought thoughts of life and living to mind.

I’m one who watches my weight fairly regularly – if every day can be counted.  The count happens on a digital scale, which appears to be fairly accurate.  I was considering today if I could watch my weight by just doing the finger test – placing both hands together at the first knuckle.  After a bit of practice I can tell when my hands are puffy or thin.  Much like the rest of my body.  Maybe a new test for weight loss”"?

I was watching an unfortunate occurrence from my bike.  Three large crows were sitting in the tree (maybe not KISSING but certainly cawing) – as song birds flew by.  Our neighbourhood last year was inhabited by a sparrow hawk – and no song birds to speak of.  I like song birds!

My bike sits stationary in our office.  I open the window curtains and view the new day.  I often pray.  And watch as the day goes by.  To God’s glory – there is night and day!

This is the day the Lord has made – I’m glad for that!

God in the midst, or God is the midst

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

We had a situation yesterday that my wife and I were praying over.

I mentioned that we should invite God to be in the midst of our situation.  My wife countered with, “Maybe God is the midst of our situation.”

If you know me, a good twist of phrase always gets me thinking.

Perhaps we are too wrapped up in our own plans.  We work away at things, scheme and develop strategies.  When the worst and best scenarios are considered, then we tend to ask God to superintend the rest. 

As though God wouldn’t be bothered with what was happening.  Or, if he was, we can take care of the details – He can hang on to the big picture.

What if we were to look at it a whole new way?  What if God is the midst of our situation?  What if this is God’s way to direct us, to train us, to raise us up in righteousness?  What if we were to switch the driver’s seat?  What if we humbly prayed that God would reveal what on earth he is doing?  What if we are really looking for God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven – where the throne/governing room seems to dominate everything else?

Just saying!!