Finger test, crows and sparrows and open windows

The morning bike ride brought thoughts of life and living to mind.

I’m one who watches my weight fairly regularly – if every day can be counted.  The count happens on a digital scale, which appears to be fairly accurate.  I was considering today if I could watch my weight by just doing the finger test – placing both hands together at the first knuckle.  After a bit of practice I can tell when my hands are puffy or thin.  Much like the rest of my body.  Maybe a new test for weight loss”"?

I was watching an unfortunate occurrence from my bike.  Three large crows were sitting in the tree (maybe not KISSING but certainly cawing) – as song birds flew by.  Our neighbourhood last year was inhabited by a sparrow hawk – and no song birds to speak of.  I like song birds!

My bike sits stationary in our office.  I open the window curtains and view the new day.  I often pray.  And watch as the day goes by.  To God’s glory – there is night and day!

This is the day the Lord has made – I’m glad for that!

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