Providence and garage packages
The phone called arrived at 11:45 am. Just before lunch. Just as I am about to leave, but with other projects in mind.
A friend, whom I haven’t seen in a few years, was on the line. He’s currently trucking.
I’m here unloading a garage package. There was a mixup in the dates and no one is able to give me a hand. Can you find some people to help me out?
I immediately phoned another friend to help and off we went. The delivery sight was just a few blocks from our homes. As it happened, the one receiving the garage package had just spent a banquet meal with my helper friend.
Afterwards we sat over lunch at a local restaurant. I was encouraged both by the testimony my helper friend as he talked of his recent life journey in Christ, and by the encouragement of my trucker friend.
My plan had been to eat lunch alone. Rather, I spent time with others whose lives encouraged me.
How good is that! God knows!!