Providence and garage packages

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The phone called arrived at 11:45 am.  Just before lunch.  Just as I am about to leave, but with other projects in mind.

A friend, whom I haven’t seen in a few years, was on the line. He’s currently trucking.

I’m here unloading a garage package.  There was a mixup in the dates and no one is able to give me a hand.  Can you find some people to help me out?

I immediately phoned another friend to help and off we went.  The delivery sight was just a few blocks from our homes.  As it happened, the one receiving the garage package had just spent a banquet meal with my helper friend. 

Afterwards we sat over lunch at a local restaurant.  I was encouraged both by the testimony my helper friend as he talked of his recent life journey in Christ, and by the encouragement of my trucker friend.

My plan had been to eat lunch alone.  Rather, I spent time with others whose lives encouraged me. 

How good is that!  God knows!!

Coming off the past week

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

When two deaths in a congregation happen within a week. 

When various peace officers are in our congregation and are affected by the death of officers in Moncton.  W

hen time rolls along at a pace faster than the previous week.

I am tired.  The tug of war of ministry, the desire to maintain family relations, and even the want to have spare time pull upon me.

I learned as a child to back up the boat when I am tired.  Of course, I never knew quite what that picture meant.  We didn’t have enough water in the area to float a boat, let alone back it up.

But, if I were to back up the boat, that would mean taking some time before making decisions.  As well it means giving yourself space before heading into the ocean!

Hopefully heading into this week will provide some rest.  I look forward to continued renovations being done on our kitchen (backsplash tiles to be put in today!).  There is a  grad banquet with our high school grads the end of the week.  And in between and afterwards time to gaze on God!

May God grant us all a week of peace – not necessarily extracting us from our circumstances but providing us peace in God in those circumstances.

As younger brothers become seniors

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I gave my youngest brother a birthday greeting yesterday.

I remember the days when he came home to live with us.  His older sister wanted to dress him in girl’s clothing – he was supposed to be a girl!  As he grew, it became obvious that he had intellectual smarts.  He competed on reach for the top and received various scholarships to university.

Then he somehow grew up, pastored a church, served as a missionary, completed a doctorate in Theology.  This past year he performed our wedding ceremony!

My remembrances tend to still be back in the old days.  But then I realize that he can get seniors discount at various restaurants.  And he can pretend to be part of the freedom 55 generation.

And so, he responded that he is learning to live into his age.  And now he is a day into that age!

A very happy birthday to my brother Murray!!

5 whys journal

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

People are curious.

As am I.

The journal I began a short while ago is intriguing.  For others and for myself.

I begin with a question (usually starting with “why”) that raises conflict.  Quite often the question is personal and the conflict is within myself.  Others are related to friends, vocation, and life in general.

I ask why, then jot down an answer.  I do the same five times.  At that point I am probably getting to the actual answer, or at least to a root of the problem.

This may be something you would like to try.  The exercise is not easy, and usually by the time I hit the third “why”, I’m having to confront the real me!  And that is not always easy, because I know I will probably have to rethink how I live my life as I go deeper – and have to repent of attitudes and actions that have become ingrained in my life.

Is it worth it?  I think so – and so I continue!