Waking to summer
Someone jokingly said that our summer would be 10 days long.
With the winter stretching into May, and a sense that weather patterns are changing, there may be some truth to that saying! Or, we may be in for hot weather and a drought (another prediction I have recently heard).
The last few days have seen weather that could be considered hot. For me that means stretching above the 25 degree Celcius mark. I drove to Rosetown yesterday, enjoyed a seminar on conflict (not sure how you enjoy that?), and then headed out to my car.
The inside was sweltering. As I basked in the warmth, I started the car and headed out to the highway towards home. A few blocks later I checked to be sure the air conditioning was on. A few minutes later, as I headed down paved highway, I turned the fan on full blast.
And this morning, as the clock ticks past the 6:00 hour, the sun is shining on the houses across the street. The air is fairly still. And the forecast is again for hot weather.
God gives green grass to view, and abundant air to breathe and a sky that expands my horizons. I have family and friends blessing my days, and rest and refreshment in my evenings.
This is the day that God has made, I will rejoice and be thankful in it.