What we drink

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

On the morning show the host was talking to a business analyst.

The topic turned to drinks.  The sale of what used to be called soda drinks, now called pop, is declining.  In its stead, energy drinks and caffeinated drink sales are rising.

The host made a somewhat side comment, but probably most telling of our society.

She asked if we were just not resting enough.  Perhaps we are too busy.

And maybe she is right.  There are many things that we can blame for that – the retirement of a large segment of baby boomers, technology’s underbelly of constant change, constant open hours for stores, higher expectations in output for lower wages, . . the list could go on.

Of course, a more gracious society, one that is forgiving and that requires rest would be a good start.  That’s where a Judeo-Christian view of the cycle of life can create a place for rest. 

Now, can we make that shift?


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Days off tend to be flexible.

At least in the job which I do.

This past week, and for a few weeks previous, I had taken Thursday off.  This week I have booked in an appointment that works best on Thursday.

So today, I took the day off. 

To find out that I was not feeling that well.  Well enough to be up and about.  But not well enough to skip a morning and afternoon rest.

Somehow not being able to be active on a day off seems to be a disappointment.  At the same time, I’ve spent time with my wife and hopefully have recharged for the coming week. 

Tip the glass upside down, look through the bottom of the glass and that lens can give some needed perspective.

Watch Lists

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

All because of who you are.

You are put on watch lists.  For cancer.  For high blood pressure.  For diabetes.  For many more dis-eases that are hereditary.

Both my wife and I are on watch lists.  If we never had to attend funerals – if our close relatives never died, I suppose we would be watching our pensions funds more closely!  I’m not sure how much money you would need if you death was not imminent for centuries and not just decades!

I have had a brother who died of cancer, a sister who has battled cancer, a brother who had a stroke.  I have had double knee surgery, my sister is off for double hip surgery.  And the oldest of us just passed 60 a year or two ago. 

My wife has had various relatives die of cancer, and some still battling cancer.  Diabetes and high blood pressure seem to run (not just walk) in her family.

Recently both of us have gone through testings.  These are not simple multiple answer questions.  A new test for cancer through the use of stool samples has meant not have to have an colonoscopy.  And an examination in the doctor’s office looked at prostrate cancer possibilities.  My wife has been in for her doctor’s examinations and in for imaging tests. 

So far we both have a fairly clean bill of health.  Both of us need to watch our weight and exercise our hearts (we can tip too closely into bad health territories as we watch a movie lounging on a couch and eat a snack that is more fat than healthy nutrients). 

What do watch lists do?  On the one hand, they quickly allow you to prepare.  On the other hand they can provide tension as the examination approaches.  What could appear may have nothing to do with what you are doing.  The results may be purely based on your heredity.

Some things you have no control over their inception.  The best you may have is a lingering ability to manage your life.  I say with joy – the best place to be is in a place where you are willing to accept the future as people of hope.  I do not sorrow for my life as some do.  I enjoy this life and the next.  For in them I have one who rescues me by giving me both a past, a present and a future. 

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ. 

A statement derived from a watch list that is mine to bear or to bless.

The joy

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I remember the camp fire song – I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart to stay.

I am working on a sermon on Romans 14:17 which talks of three markers of a Christian.  One of those markers is joy. 

I’d like to say that joy stays all the time in my heart.  And maybe the song writer recognized that joy often times is way down in our hearts and has to be brought up from the depths.

I imagine this is your experience.  While you pursue being a good person, and long after righteousness and God, sometimes peace escapes you.  At those times joy seems to die out.

Often the joy escapes because of relational problems.  I suppose that is why we are told that our primary rule for life is to Love God and then to Love Others.  When that is done, peace and joy seem to follow.

Our fight is often to gaze on God enough that we don’t become biased against others, become bitter or even move to pure hatred of others.  Unfortunately, our approach is often to begin with others, to see their pettiness and hurt they have caused us.  Then we lose our joy. 

But if we begin with seeing God as one who absorbed our hatred, took our outbursts and even died for our sins, then we can begin to overlook wrongs, be persistent in grace towards another and even allow others to abuse us.

I would like to add all sorts of caveats – exceptions to the rule.  But I guess I first need to absorb the rule into my life more fully.  And hopefully the exceptions will become fewer than my selfish nature would like!