What we drink

On the morning show the host was talking to a business analyst.

The topic turned to drinks.  The sale of what used to be called soda drinks, now called pop, is declining.  In its stead, energy drinks and caffeinated drink sales are rising.

The host made a somewhat side comment, but probably most telling of our society.

She asked if we were just not resting enough.  Perhaps we are too busy.

And maybe she is right.  There are many things that we can blame for that – the retirement of a large segment of baby boomers, technology’s underbelly of constant change, constant open hours for stores, higher expectations in output for lower wages, . . the list could go on.

Of course, a more gracious society, one that is forgiving and that requires rest would be a good start.  That’s where a Judeo-Christian view of the cycle of life can create a place for rest. 

Now, can we make that shift?

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