Common Culture

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

When I talk to people I am constantly translating. 

First nations culture is different than my culture.  Relationship is vital and time is not as important.  I remember preaching at church services where start time was 1:30 – OK, more like 2:00, when everyone had arrived.  Or talking with those in an Asian culture where community is first consulted and always in the back of your mind.  Shame is placed on families, not just on the individual.

Imagine the time that is required to develop a deep relationship.  Imagine the energy that must be consumed.  Imagine the resources that must be available.

Now, imagine a culture that is similar to your own.  Time, energy and resources are quickly allocated to other than mere understanding of each other.  I think that was one of the reasons that my marriage to Jill was so successful.  Yes, we had our differences, but I knew they were differences.  I didn’t have to read between the lines or check out whether I was on the same page.

So, in courting this time around, I realized that a common culture would alleviate the time, energy and resources factor.  After a few days of someone finishing your sentences and finding that mind reading seemed to be the order of the day, I became comfortable with exploring the future rather than spending all my time on mining the past.

Being over 5o, I am much more open to time being outside of chronology, of energy being focused and resources being well used. 

Common culture is not a bad thing!!

Over the top

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

When someone falls 60 feet (20 meter) from the sky, what usually happens?  No parachute.  No net.  Just sand at the bottom (and somewhat packed at that).

You can hear the story of Nick Gilbert and how God preserved him.  The story was related in our church service yesterday. 

Nick is not an imported speaker.  He is one of our congregation.  His story is taken from a real life adventure while he was quading in Idaho.  Not too long ago. 

And he lived to tell the story.  He’s walking and talking and hugging his kids.

Check out the story here:

Funeral Season

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

This time of year seems to be the time for funerals.

I have officiated at two funerals in the last two weeks.  Both have been joyous celebrations.  Both quite different.

My Aunt Etta was known for her “whoop” when she got blessed in the middle of a church service.  Sylvia Walde was known for her quiet hard working approach to life that saw her service baking buns for those who were weary in life.

The interment service for Sylvia included a testimony of one who had walked with Sylvia for over 40 years.  They met in the 1960’s and had kept up a friendship from then on.  That is a great testimony in a mobile day and age where we tend not to commit to friendship. 

I have found in such cases that the church service does not demand a great “sermon” on my part.  The eulogies and tributes have preached far more than the words I might want to say.  In these cases I prepare a summary of life and a pointed thought on death.  I tend to think that we carry away from a funeral a few things said in an easy to understand, easy to remember way.

Yesterday’s funeral for Sylvia Walde was a reminder of godliness practiced in amongst daily farm chores, raising children and blessing others.  Simple life, simple focus, simply inviting!

Check First

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I suppose courting can come in all sorts of forms.  As I mentioned previously, one of the first areas I considered was character.  If there is no depth, there is nothing to be mined as you spend a future together. 

My first inquiry regarding character always relates to the core.

I don’t believe that two people are just two pieces of physical, flesh and blood, things.  Human beings are more than just animal carcasses.

Humans are more than just triggered electrical signals that result in action and reaction – and perhaps emotion and motion.  There is a center to a person that I call the spirit of that person.

I want to relate to that other person’s spirit.  In the deepest friendship of marriage, there is a need to push beyond physical action and related emotions.  The spirit needs to be a part of the equation.

Our spirits are only at their best when they are connected with their creator.  Unless two people join in connection with God, they live in a “less than” equation.   There will be less than a united delight in their union.

Therefore in courting, my first point in a character reference is to look for someone who has a first love found in Jesus.  How exciting when you come across that type of innocent intention – that type of desire that finds truth and beauty and happiness in God – and then spreads that love out from their core.

I love it!!