The Christmas Party
Yesterday was the day to party with my mother. The Ross Payant Nursing Home in Assiniboia, Saskatchewan held their annual Christmas dinner. I was able to attend with my sister, Nadia. Following the lunch, we both headed over to see my other sister, Brenda, who lives in LaFleche.
Mom was in good form, quite enjoyable, although not much talking. I sat and held her hand and just enjoyed her company. When I had walked through the door, she immediately waved. I think I look like my father, so there was probably some recognition, although her dimentia has progressed enough that she seldom knows who anyone is.
The entertainment for the day was a young man, Scott, who played accordion. My sister, Nadia, found that rather funny, thinking that I would be in my glory since I had played accordion when I was younger. Having said that, there is a reason why I no longer play accordion!!
The day began at 6:30 on the road. The trip is approximately five hours one way. I was able to be back home around 7:15 in the evening. By 9:00 I was in Swift Current, picking up my sister, Nadia. We had a pleasant trip there and back, exchanging notes on happenings in our life and just generally having one of those bonding times that brothers and sisters have.
The visit to my sister’s also included coming home with a breadmaker. I can hardly wait to try it out!!