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Well, today was one of those enjoyable days.  Our afternoon saw a visit with friends.  We got into politics, people and church.  All good.

And later more friends.  Ones who are in the transition of age.  We spoke into their lives as well as joined their lives.  My prayer and trust are that God would give them stability and a sense of His continued presence.

And now, as I write, I am mindful of our families.  And I pray:  May God visit them with His presence!

Off to visit

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The next few days my good wife and I will visit a number of our seniors.  As my mom noted tonight – it’s good to visit seniors.

I suppose you could say it is the duty of the office.  But in many ways it is just plain fun. 

For years they have dealt with life.  They are more ready to change than any of us think.

Think what they have been through over the years.  Changes in housing, communication, internet, television, wars, currency fluctuations.  And that’s before we talk about raising their kids and living with grandkids and great grandkids.

That’s enough reason to sit and laugh with them.  Or cry.  Or listen to stories that some think have been told enough times, yet I love to hear with a fresh ear.

So, we’ll take cookies and squares, probably drink too much tea, and have ourselves a very merry Christmas!!

Christmas program

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Great stuff!  Cold weather!  Jill and I counted 24 people that didn’t make it because of the chill of the day.

We had some first times – “de-buts” as one person commented.  There was an excellent band – two trumpets, one clarinet, one trombone, one French horn and one saxophone!  What a rich blend of sound.  And Vanessa Klassen played a clarinet solo that was simple yet rich in blend and timbre (check a music dictionary to see what that’s about!).  Marilyn Stevenson, with her usual pinao expertise filled the room with piano chords and melody only she can coax from the keyboard!

And a male quartet just formed in this past month or so.  After the final piece one person inhaled with that “wow” type of expression!

The children presented two short sketches that were lively and felt like actual acting and not a scripted reading. 

But, for me, the most exciting was the debut of a new playwright just finishing her grade 12 year here in Kindersley- Nyla Ditson.  She wrote and acted in two short dramas performed by our youth and one parent.  The second kept us in stitches – laughter which easily brought out the point.  The first combined humor and her background in the culinery arts.  Both brought out the message of the gift of Jesus at Christmas.  Loved it!!

And so, we it at home refreshed and enjoying all God has provided at this Christmas season.

Clergy no longer on job list

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Yesterday my wife went to the “Ipsos Reid i-Say” site.  Yes, this is the Ipsos Reid that does all sorts of surveys the world over!!

She had received an invitation to part of their research base.  Here’s what the invitation said in part:

Some people believe special offers or participating for chances to win prizes means there has to be a catch.  But at Ipsos i-Say, one of the leading market research companies in the world, we work closely with people like you to make sure we get real opinion.

So, she headed to the designated site to sign up to be part of their on-going surveys, particularly as they look to help companies tailor their products.

The first thing is to complete a personal profile.  Of course, there were many times that she was reminded that this was private information.

So, when she came to the part asking for information on her spouse’s occupation, she looked through the list to find “clergy”. 

Not there!

A few centuries ago clergy were the most educated, highly prized for their wisdom, and a the core of a society.

How we have fallen!!