Off to visit

The next few days my good wife and I will visit a number of our seniors.  As my mom noted tonight – it’s good to visit seniors.

I suppose you could say it is the duty of the office.  But in many ways it is just plain fun. 

For years they have dealt with life.  They are more ready to change than any of us think.

Think what they have been through over the years.  Changes in housing, communication, internet, television, wars, currency fluctuations.  And that’s before we talk about raising their kids and living with grandkids and great grandkids.

That’s enough reason to sit and laugh with them.  Or cry.  Or listen to stories that some think have been told enough times, yet I love to hear with a fresh ear.

So, we’ll take cookies and squares, probably drink too much tea, and have ourselves a very merry Christmas!!

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