Delectable chicken

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For weeks my wife slaves over the recipe and the implementation of a most delicious meal for our seniors group called XYZ.  This month’s meal was no exception.  Figuring out the amount of rice is probably the most tricky.  Rice never expands to the expected amount.

But, you can tell how the chicken fared!  The sweet and sour recipe delighted the crowd.  So much so that a number of people flocked to the kitchen to find out the recipe.

Now, that’s what I call a culinary success.  As did the 50 0r so participants!

Cleaning the cars

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Spring must truly be here.  Not only are there motorcycles on the streets, but we are vacuuming, washing and shining up the inside of our cars. 

During the warmer days of winter we washed the car.  But on the inside, snow and sand and dirt accumulated over time — dragged in by boots and shoes.  Small stones had begun to take the place of the gray carpet.

Time to take action. 

Of course, I had asked Jill if she had anything for me to do on my day off.  “Let’s clean the cars!”   After a long and tiring day on Sunday, that sounded like a nice reprieve.

Which proves my predilection (love that word!) to clean, organizing and sorting things.  My wife says I’m OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) that way.  I go into a grocery store and start to rearrange shelves!

Once the cars were cleaned, I vacuumed the garage floor and took a few pieces of garbage out to the town dump.

All in all a good day!!

Unto the next, Part #2

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Well, Friday proved a enjoyably busy as Thursday!

I started with a 7:00 am men’s small group, then another meeting at 8:30, preparation for a memorial service, practice with a quartet, memorial service, supper and a youth meeting with video games and devotional.

This was a day that was refreshing.  16 hours of constant activity.  Perhaps its the idea that something is getting accomplished.  Perhaps the activity itself keeps the body going.  Or perhaps God is in it all and wants to just encourage me!

Perhaps it’s all the above!

Unto the next!

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Just one of those days.  Rested for around 25 minutes.  The rest of the day has been leapfrogging from one thing to the next.  From funerals to funeral preparations.  Sermons to prepare and administration to achieve.  A late lunch soup and an evening mushroom soup (prepared more like a stew).  Morning granola and now an evening apple juice.

Finally, an evening call to my wife.  She’ll be home tomorrow, and I’ll appreciate her return!