Daily life as life goes on!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’ve watched Facebook comments to one of my recent posts.

I’d like to say that I can be totally objective to a new discussion point found in a posting or a comment.  And I strive towards that. 

But, I have come to realize that my past life determines my current life’s response to a future life.  As I encounter a story or statement, I may get triggered into a past tragedy or trauma, but that is not the original authour’s intent in opening their thought to others. 

I can choose to head into the trauma and find a way to link that to the current discussion.  I begin to reflect my own trauma in my comment.  And I reveal my self to others – with stories that are valid and legitimate.  I hope someone is listening.

At the same time, with both humility and self-control, I want to listen to the current discussion.  I want to meditate on the ideas, dig deeply into the intent and hopefully contribute to the well being of all.

That does not mean that I don’t rant at other times, given permission by others.  And sometimes where permission is not given, I will dip my toes in the water.  Perhaps there is a place for my rant – maybe just not now, or in the current format, or when the subject would be better accepted.

Life lived with others is never easy!  And that is daily life as life goes on (the title of my blog at www.ronbaker.ca)!

And that is my rant for the day. 

Photo of the day:  The eye of the grasshopper – a bit sideways, but nevertheless piercing!


Our society

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I have carefully monitored my own reaction to Western Society.  Sometimes I’m happy that individuals have so many freedoms.  Other times I’m saddened that we can’t work corporately together because of our own selfishness.

I was listening to a webinar on preaching story.  One thought was to refrain as much as possible from giving dry boring application.  Let each person find their own interpretation.  Jesus talked in parables (stories) – a good approach.  But for those who were close followers he carefully explained stories.

I wonder if we love the idea of making up our own truth derived from stories.  Does that exercise become “doing whatever is right in our own eyes”?  How do we rein in individual interpretations for the sake of the group?  And who provides the clear “laws” to be followed? 

Photo of the day:  My 10 year old grandson just had his birthday.  He designed this “stream” for our yard design when he was younger.  He has a great future in yard work and engineering! 


Word Play

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I woke up this morning thinking of the word “sub-optimal”.  Not sure why.

Then I tried out a replacement phrase – “less than perfect”.  That sounds rather negative – although it may be true.  So I thought about a positive approach.  “Average optimized”.  Combines some of the original phrase, does not expect to be perfect but sounds like an affirmation.

And you wonder why I love being in my head all the time!!  So much fun.

Photo of the Day:  If you missed the deer yesterday, this one showed up at a house we own in June of 2022.  They are rather cute looking!!


From a/many pastors’ desks

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Here is a current quote that is going around.  Not sure who wrote this – some say Michael Card, others a bishop from somewhere, others give not attribution.  One of our local pastors posted this – rather relevant:

As church attendance numbers fade across the nation and online services become very convenient, it’s important to remember why church attendance for you and your family matters so much.

You can’t serve from your sofa. You can’t have community of faith on your sofa. You can’t experience the power of a room full of believers worshipping together on your sofa.

Christians aren’t consumers. We are contributors. We don’t watch. We engage. We give. We sacrifice. We encourage. We pray by laying hands on the hurting. We do life together.

The church needs you and you need the church.

Photo for the day:  You probably saw the garbage can first and missed the deer!!
