Cleaning the garage

To move things in, one must move things out!

That is going to be my mantra over these next few days. 

I am preparing to have Cynthia (my fiance) move her household goods to this house.  That means I will need to make room for more things.  And she will need to pare down her own household goods.

Now, how does one go about this?

From a number of moves, one of the first things is to find duplicates.  In the garage I had three ice scrapers for my windshield.  Not all are needed.

I suppose finding things that are just plain worn out is next.  I had a piece of board that was broken.  And I mean split in half.  Not needed and no need to be found for it.

Finally, I’m working on things that have no sentimental value, will probably never be used, and are best placed in a garage sale.

And so, my garage is now a storage unit.  Hopefully soon I can rid myself of some of these goods.

I guess that’s what they call good riddance!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Bakari

    I am sooo happy to hear that you are home from the hospital! <3Can't ignmiae better cure than some sunshine and those yummy cakes made by little Nemo. :)Take care and get well soon!!

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