One of my favourite blogs – carries an area he calls “contextless links”. They are just things that he has run across during his day. He doesn’t justify or create great rants on each. They are just there for you to look at.
So, today, I thought I would just mention some things I ran across today that have no great context, just interesting.
The Peavey Mart parking lot is now paved. No more mud as I seek the best bargains in town!!
I can’t drive Railway Avenue — paving crews are resurfacing the road.
Trees are starting to turn color. As I look out hte window, my backyard trees are now about 1/4 yellow and the leaves will fall soon.
Washed the car today. To my left, in a corner of the wash stall, a small stream of water constantly poured from a hose onto the floor. Not sure what that was about. Mud congregated in the next stall waiting to be washed down a drain — not my duty today!
A letter from Gordon Dirks, VP of External Relations at Alliance University College, mentioned Dave Petrescue. See previous posts to get a sense of who Dave was.
Knives on sale. At the Zellers today, Alfred Sung knives worth $12 – 15 rung through for under $3.00.
Pictures of the African well project which we contributed to as a church are now hanging on the bulletin board in the church foyer.
A finance seminar is being planned for November 4-5, 2006. They will include session on budgeting, retirement, estate and wills. We are also stepping out and offering a seminar on dealing with the unique financial needs of those who are divorced, separated and remarried. And one seminar that will just contian pithy financial sayings and advice — things like “Pay yourself second”, and “There is virtue in being still”.
Macintosh apples shipped to town without a lot of pre-preparatian and laid out in a cardboard box are way better than polished, bagged and weighed product.
And that is only part of the day. Trust you’ve enjoyed not having any idea where this all comes from!