
Yesterday was a talk day!

As I look back to my younger days – look way back! – I was one who did not find conversing an easy thing. 

I’ve had it explained to me that I tend to start conversations 17 steps past where my fellow traveller is entering the conversation path.  The advice I have received over the years is to assume that people know nothing of where my conversations are headed, and start back at the beginning.

Not bad advice!

Now, I know that certain people are part of shared conversations with me over the years.  They have background and vocabulary that allow me to enter into a depth of conversation that is otherwise unwise.

Yesterday was a combination of styles of conversation.  A very good friend and I were headed on a four hour road trip – along with some scheduled stops.  The conversation went immediately to our lives, how those lives are shaping up, and some dreams for the future.

Later in the evening I was essentially introducing myself to a new acquaintance.  That conversation included some thoughts on what we were about in the conversation and also some general personal histories.  I did not expect to be sharing intimate thoughts or directions in my life.  I did plan on sharing enough that we could progress in our shared conversation.

Wherever we enter the conversation path, though, one  thing is sure.  We are here on this planet surrounded by people.  We’d better get used to finding ways to share our journey together.

Conversation is a good starter.

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