Creating the verbose

Sitting in a meeting today, I was helping to create a missions statement. 

The first attempt was quite simple.  Three straight forward words surrounded by a slight bit of elaboration.  Probably less than twenty words.

Then we tried to add some goals and objectives.  As we did so, I got rather verbose, creating adjectives piled on top of nouns needing active verbs.  After two or three of these objectives, we began to spin our wheels, going in circles and all those other cliches. 

One of the committee was asked what he thought of the latest objective.  His statement?  “No comment.” 

Which was  a good comment. 

So we went back to the original statement.  Eradicated the other thoughts.  And left it at that.

Thankfully, it all made sense and someone will easily read and understand what we are about.   That’s the joy of clarity!

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