DAWN meeting

We have a regional group called the Drug and Alcohol Wellness Network  — attended by health workers, addictions counselors, ministerial, education personnel, RCMP, town administrators and interested parties.  We meet every month or so — attempting to forward a strategy to combat the “dis-ease” our society is feeling over the noticeable addictions of drugs and alcohol.  Today we spent a few hours together — breaking down great statements into manageable steps.

I still remember the day I was confronted with the fact that the top three drugs are nicotine, alcohol and caffeine.  All of them are legal in our society.

We talked about denormalizing the use of drugs and alcohol in our culture.

Then I listened to the news about changes in liquor laws.  Things are getting easier to get alcohol delivery and to brew liquor.  The idea is to promote responsible alcohol use.  I’ll have to research the actual changes that are being made, but I guess I’m a little colored by walking from a preventative meeting into an enabling atmosphere. 

I wonder how those involved in drugs and alcohol addictions counselling see some of these changes?  As I’m standing in the hallway, I’m also overhearing the preparations for some of the addictions counselors to attend a seminar on gambling addictions.  Perhaps the liquor and gaming ministry in this province’s political cabinet needs to have a red X placed through it’s title??

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