Editorial newspaper article on Jill Baker

I was surprised when a local retailer mentioned that he had read the editorial on Jill in our local paper – the Kindersley Clarion.  In the midst of this past week, I missed it completely.

Thanks to Kevin McBain, a friend of ours, for his kind words.  I usually don’t include longer text, but I’ll make an exception today!!  Below is the text of his editorial, used with his permission:

Making a difference – Kevin McBain (Clarion Editor)

The Kindersley Clarion, May 23, 2012 – page two

We are all put on this earth for a particular amount of time and no knows how long that will be.

We all coexist together in one house, one block, one town, one province, one country.

Forever, people have tried to understand the meaning of life – Why are we here? Nothing makes sense? What is the point to al of this?

With the recent passing of a friend of many people in Kindersley, we pause and reflect on her life.

Jill Baker, wife of Alliance Church pastor, Ron Baker, was a very kind woman and always had a smile and was always willing to help whenever possible.

She had to fight through battles. Starting at a young age, she was found to have heart trouble and despite several attempts to fix things, her physical heart was never quite right.

Despite these battles, she persevered and despite her physical heart being damaged, her heart of hearts was that much stronger. He will to fight was great, her ability to persevere was even greater.

She worked alongside of her husband for many years, making meals, visiting, speaking at various events, sharing her love for God and many, many other things to numerous to mention.

As many people can attest, she made the most of her life and set an example that many of us can follow.

What are you doing with your life? Are you a role model to your children, to others or, are you clinging to the words of the song – “I’m here for a good time, not a long time,” and trying to waste away the opportunities that have been set before you.

Everyone has a chance to make their life better and others better. Whether it’s mowing the neighbour’s lawn or even sharing a smile. What a difference that makes to a person.

Make the most of the time you have here on earth. Don’t just exist. Don’t blame the things that went wrong in your life on others.

Do the best you can. Put in that ‘110 percent’ effort as the saying goes.

Not everything is going to be perfect and rosy, not everyone will get along with everyone else. Not everyone will be financially set for life, not everyone will have the perfect job. Not everyone will . . .

But it’s what you make of what you have is the most important thing.

It’s not what you have, it’s what you give. Jill was a great example of this. She gave all she had for others. She was always willing to help out to those in need. She was always willing to share a smile.

Everyone wants to be remembered for something. It’s human nature to want to leave a legacy – what legacy are you leaving? How are people going to remember you?

And don’t forget that as parents, what you do with your life will reflect in your children’s life.

Bringing your children up right, getting them to show respect for others, getting them to smile, enjoy life an not to waste it.

Showing love to your children so that they can show love and not hate when they are older.

Spending time with one another as a family and bringing in those that don’t have family, or as much love, into your family.

When these things happen, life will be much better, your family will be much better and your community will be much better off.

What is your legacy going to be? Or fraught with anger, wrath and hate towards others.

Or is it going to be one of caring and sharing for others, such as what Jill’s legacy will be. She touched a lot of lives during her time here on earth, despite battling her own health issues.

She found the strength when none was there. She gave of her time and her energy to make the lives a little brighter.

Thanks, Jill. You were a true example of how we should spend our time here on this earth.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. elizabeth cooper

    Thanks Ron, for showing the above. I sent it to all the family and friends to look it up on your blog ! We are all remembering Jill, and thinking of you – take one day at a time. Mom Cooper

  2. Jason & Blanca Ambros

    This is such a beautiful article and very challenging! Thank you for sharing with us!

  3. Colleen

    Yep…that’s Jill. She constantly reminded me that even though we shared chronic health issues we did what we could for the kingdom and that is all our God asks of us. I miss her…
    Remember Ron “a piece is missing in your life but you have the Peace that passes understanding.”

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