Being face to face (F2F) is much more enjoyable than long distance calling and even such modern conveniences such as Skyping.

These past few days I spent with Cynthia, my fiance, in town.  We sat in on a ministerial discussion, attended a hockey game, had meals with others and even went to a floral shop.  In between we spent a little time with each other.  We would have liked more, but the day is only so long!!

Wedding planning was one of the things on the agenda.  My first marriage was a whirlwind of planning – mostly done by Jill.  I have officiated a number of weddings so I have seen the terror and the joy of wedding preparation.

Now, its my turn to see things from a whole new perspective.  Listing of attendees, flowers, decor, meals, accommodations – the list seems endless.  We will get through it all – the day will come and go – memories will be implanted and vows exchanged.

Then comes the true opportunity that life affords.  Sharing life together.  One day can initiate, but many days create life.

These last few days of F2F have been enjoyable.  I look forward to many more days to come in the future!!

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