Failed Miserably

The discussion around the supper table last night centered on words.  Do two negative words make a positive?  What would “failed miserably” really mean?  Would it not mean that you were a success?  And so the conversation went – as the evaluation of my turkey supper was undertaken.

Experimental Turkey December 20, 2012 small In the end, the verdict?  A very good supper, tasty and well plated.  The gravy worked well, as did the turkey, accompanied by green beans and corn, along with a tossed salad.  Completed by mint chocolate ice cream. 

And then we figured out I had left the stuffing in the oven to warm.  So Ted and I both indulged a bit more repast, enjoying the delights of the stuffing all by itself.

A success?  Yes.  Did I fail miserably?  Yes. 

How good is that!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Gerald

    Tres bien mon ami. You are truly becoming an independent man, Ron. It is clear that you are able to do many things that you previously thought not possible or did not think about at all. Well done my friend.

  2. dell and sue

    Rats, now I wish we WERE having a turkey dinner this year after all…..looks fantastic Ron.

  3. Big Sis

    Looks great bro! Well done… the kids will be so lucky to have Christmas dinner by dad! (:

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