Family, friends and funerals

At 6:00 Friday night a friend called asking if he could stay overnight.  No brainer!  This morning we joined together for breakfast and a round of talking that circled our friendship, church issues and things that make for fun with a fellow traveler  on the road of life.

At around 10:00 Friday night my sister called for a ride from Kindersley to Rosetown.  Today we delivered her car to her in Rosetown.  There are unexpected times when family gets together – not planned but plugging a hole where the last few weeks have not allowed us to be in contact.

At 2:00 today I attended a funeral for a minister in our town.  He had died of a heart attack this past week.  Just barely a few years older than I!  The funeral was from a tradition other than my denominational affiliation.  I sat reminiscing on God, tradition, funeral attire and the church.

And now, I’ve just put some final touches on a sermon that was completed in fits and starts this week.  Monday will be a funeral for a contact I had made a few years ago.  He was not a church member but his wife requested my participation.  Sometimes the beginning of spiritual awakenings comes through the small things.  I pray in that direction.

May God bless your evening with a sense of his presence and an understanding that the unplanned is often God’s plan.

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