Father’s legacy

Part of my family legacy are letters my father left when he passed away a year ago at the age of 91.  They are the remnant of a visit he took to Ontario in the 1930’s when he was around 20 years old.  I’m trying to type them out and having a hoot!  I think that even might be an expression from back when he wrote those letters – he would have been around 20 at that point!

So, here’s a little bit from one letter.  Talk about how youth continue to be the same while believing they are totally different.  Have fun!

A few Sunday’s ago they announced that they wanted names handed in for the church down here to be considered at council meeting. Well, I got Marshall to hand in Mountain Veiw Church because there is a very good view from the door. The church has always been called 6th Line but they wanted something official or something. Well, they brought it up at the meeting today and they had a list of 14 names written on the blackboard such as Batteau Creek church, Cedar Grove, Cedar creek, Cedar Lawn, Blue Mountain View, Mountain View, Berean Church, Dutch Settlement, Mount Zion, Sunshine Church, that’s all I can think of and then somebody wrote on the tail end 6th Line church. Well, I canvassed around all I could for Mountain View and then after dinner we voted. It came out between these 4, Batteau Creek, Cedar Lawn, Mountain View and 6th Line. We voted again and what do you think. 6th line church came out ahead, and Mountain View close on its heels. Oh boy! Some of the people were sure discustipated to think that that old name “6th Line” won. I don’t see how it ever came out ahead because nearly everybody seems to be pout out about it. I guess it was just all the old conservative types who voted for it.

You’ve got to love that 1938 word – “discustipated”.  And how about church politics – they’ve been around for a long time.

Now, on to a youth thing!

Say, a bunch of us guys got an awful trick played on us today. It was at noon. Council starts at 10 am down here and then we had 1 ½ hr. noon hour before the afternoon session. Well, anyway Roville and Marshall and Don Marplet & I were standing around not knowing what to do with ourselves. We happened to spy the empty back seat of Vic Appleton’s car so I made a b-line for it and the other guys followed. We got in and here if Lila, and Lela and Mary Lou weren’t parking the front seat (of course, we didn’t know it? Shush?) Lila had the nerve to tell me I was getting as bad as her.

Well, we had only been there about 5 minutes discussing the weather & other unimportant topics when along came Mrs. Swalm and told Lela she better come into the church. She tried to get out of going in but her mother insisted so she had to go & so Lila and Mary Lou went too. We had the whole car to ourselves then but we might have rather had it crowded, we might have been able to keep warmer.

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