Fog in the morning

For the last few days thunderstorms have blossomed in the afternoon and poured forth in the evening.  The warmth of the land and the humidity from previous rains combine to bring showers — sometimes of blessing and sometimes of hail.

This morning I awoke to fog surrounding our home.  Not the thick pea soup fog.  Rather the light mist that is easily dispelled by sunshine.  Now, about two hours later, the fog has lifted and the sun is shining.

For this I am glad.  I have a funeral interment this afternoon.  Last time I led an interment in the rain . . . well, that’s a story in itself.  Suffice it to say that when you think it can’t rain anymore, the heavens open and pour forth.

But, right now it looks promising.  May the sun shine where you are today and may God’s presence be yours in abundance, as the rains cover the earth!

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