Funny thing – as I finished my task of moderating the Assembly of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (in Winnipeg), I felt refreshed.
I must be a bit weird! I know most people would never have taken on a task like this, or felt they would even want to read most of Roberts Rules of Order!
But, for me – my passion in life is to see other people understand themselves. When it comes to a denomination, that requires someone to stand in front and help them navigate through their thoughts and desires. I compared this to a family meal we have together, where we sit down, order our food, and eat together. While at the table we discuss and when we leave we go to do whatever we are called to do – as family members.
I’m sure we don’t all agree on the food we ate – some like broccoli and some steak, and some olives! But we let each of us sit to the table, join in the conversation and have our own opinions. Hopefully our bloodline keeps us together.
And so, this afternoon I head back home after a meaningful and extensive set of meetings. Thanks for you prayers during this time!
God sure had a sense of humor when he created us, Ron. Life would be so boring if we were all the same types !! We need your “type” too !!! To keep people and things in order !