Hope is always ahead of reality

A year ago Laura Kornelson gave me a book to read, Paul E. Miller’s, A praying life.  I imagine she thought this would be a short term lend.  She was off to Calgary and would venture back every once in a while.  So I began chapter by chapter.

Somewhere along the line other books and projects and events filled the year.  This last week I returned to the chapter where I had left off.  Two chapters have filled my mind over these past days.  Both of them have to do with one of the author’s children – in reality they hit me particularly with one of my own children.  Most parents can pinpoint one child who is gifted and yet a handful.

Our hopes for our children are enormous.  And too often we figure our hopes should be the reality.  If they were – then hope would no longer be hope.

But we plow on figuring we can change things so that reality matches what we have in mind.  And God sits close by hoping for us to change and let him do the changing in our children. 

So starts my Christmas morning!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Gerald

    an idea worth contemplating. it is most difficult for us to let our children live their own lives and know that God has a hand in the outcome. hope your Christmas was/is jouous and you and Jill are well and happy. Merry Christmas. gerald

  2. Laura

    Ha! Whenever I come home I mean to ask you about that book. You are still burrowing it right? 🙂

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