How did we get here?

I’m a baby boomer.  We were the generation who were going to be free from all the constraints of life.  We would have free sex, free love, free from authority.  Life was to be a party!  Woodstock be praised.

We are now into our retirement years, or coming close. 

I’m not so excited about where we ended up.  Our culture has a desirous supreme leader who understands entertainment only too well.  And the church???

Our worship services are about entertainment – and too often about ourselves.  Our children are non-attenders of spiritual gatherings. 

The idea was to entertain to attract.  The idea was excellence in the entertainment to rival the culture’s best.  The idea was that felt needs would attract people. 

And I feel like we won a community and lost a vision.  Perhaps we are perishing – from entertainment, felt needs, and selfishness.

Where is God? 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Elizabeth Cooper

    With technology advances too, people’s minds and time get all used up ! No time to look around and see what is going on around them. Such a lovely evening Sun. night i took the car and went for a drive around various places, small villages…..saw many beautiful churches, including evangelical and big ones, with empty parking lots, nothing going on……parks and shopping lots nothing going on much. Takes me back to when Christians used to have little gatherings in parks or parking lots and there would be chairs set out, someone preaching or music so that passersby could sit and listen to what was going on. I remember Allan and I strolling through a park on a Sunday afternoon to find a large group spread over a hill on the park and listening to a speaker. We stopped and listened to him and it was John Wesley White. There is still an evening gospel music and message given out on Sun evenings in the park by a church in Deseronto in the summer. Also up in Madoc a gospel music presentation and message in the IGA parking lot where people can sit in their cars and listen as well as chairs set up. Very sad to see a church whose parking lot is empty Sunday night when it could be an outreach.

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