Living 20/20–Kindersley Alliance Church in perspective

I finally have a first draft of the first volume of the Kindersley Alliance Church history – 1938 – 2018.  I’m thinking the title will be “Living 20/20, Kindersley Alliance Church in perspective:  The Reference Volume.”

Far from a finished product, at least the basics are there.  The dates and adventures.  The pastors and the people.  The foibles and the fantastic.

I must admit, there is a certain muscle memory that comes from reviewing your history (I say “your” because I was born into the church, my dad and his dad had connections to the church, I pastored the church, I’m retired here).  Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh, sometimes my stomach churns.

I came across unknown facts to me – the first church baptism was held at my grandfather’s farm.  My uncle, Bruce, was president of the youth group shortly after World War II.  Another uncle, Robert, was the first wedding in the first church built and owned by Kindersley Alliance Tabernacle.  My father was church treasurer from 1950-1955.  And, I served as Assistant Pastor from 1976-1980.  I returned in 2005 as senior pastor.  I retired here.

There was the day I was told my preaching was not good enough.  There was the day, almost 40 years after the fact, that a “youth” told me they had learned from me that you are always a leader, no matter where you are – so lead like Jesus.  There was the day I officiated a couple’s wedding, and two decades later, the day I  officiated their son’s wedding.

And the stories go on.

My history, our history, and as I look into this coming year of 2020 with 20/20 . . .

I sense this is also His-tory. 

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