Living with loss

Last night was a journey for me.

I spoke at a session given by our ministerial.  The two month, once a week group was dealing with “living with loss.”   Each person (regularly three attended) had a death in their immediate circle in this last year.

I figured I could just walk in – easily provide the information for my session called “God/Faith and our loss, ” and walk out!

As I began to prepare, I wondered if I coudl feel for this group.  Little did I know! 

My wife almost died five years ago.  My father-in-law died three years ago while we were swimming a river together.  This summer my younger brother died of cancer.  Right now I am walking through cancer with two of our congregation.

My thoughts were not in a “three point aermon” outline.  They were in a story form based on my experiences and upon what I know of God.   I know that God is in charge – that is a faith statement which has observations of his workings mixed in.  I know that God strengthens those who call on him – faith and fact mix once again.  I know that where I have suffered I can comfort others, just as God has comforted me.

Nothing profound.  Just God, me and the others sitting around a table.  Talking.  Laughing.  Crying.  Hearing each others’ stories and trusting God to speak.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Greg Dermody

    Howdy Ron

    Harry H told me about your blog.

    I spoke at our communities ‘service of remembrance’ Sunday afternoon. It is a special event most of our local clergy in attendance.

    I spoke on moving from despair to delight. Highlighting it was okay to delight in Christmas, and it was also okay to hurt at Christmas. I wear my emotions on my sleeve normally, but I was so very touched by those who were there and working through greif issues, some very recent, some remembering those long gone. It is part of the journey of life, and sometimes it’s hard. But it is so good when there is someone to walk with, your posting today was meaningful to me Ron.

    A Merry Christmas to you and Jill (and the whole shootin’ match) as you celebrate!

  2. Beryl

    Thank you again, Ron. You are such a blessing. Reality is okay because that is where God and His Spirit are.

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