Looking forward

I awoke this morning looking forward to my wife’s return.  She’s been off with relatives enjoying sun, fun and fellowship.

Which got me thinking.

Often one of our greatest motivators in life is the “next thing”.  We imagine having visitors, staging events, building something, finishing renovations, and a host of other activities.  As the completion date approaches, we wait in anticipation.  Afterwards, even failed events are stored in our memory bank – for withdrawal on a rainy day.

When you can no longer physically attend the “next thing,” or find that you are restricted – is there another “next thing” that you tap into?

As I have rubbed shoulders with seniors (the ones that are older than me), I find that heaven gets talked about.  “I think God forgot me,” is a comment I’ve heard more than once.  “I’m ready any time,” is another wish expressed to me. “I’m looking forward to heaven,” is not an unusual response.

And so, if you are with seniors or terminal patients, you will find that they have a “next thing” in mind.  We may want to tell them that there are still things to do here on earth.  We may need to spend our energy on planning their next thing with them. 

Use your imagination, and join them as they plan.  Your effort will be appreciated.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Colleen

    I do so enjoy your writings. This one touched me personally.

  2. Elizabeth Cooper

    Thoughts and ideas about different things as you age older and then again older, do change and your views change, sometimes for the better, and also reality hits you with a firmness and restrictions which really slow your step. So it makes you wonder sometimes, how to make “progress”, or how to add more joy or spring to your step !!

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