Moving forward

I’ve been working on a Lenten series of sermons. 

Some of you may ask — what’s that?  Well, usually about six weeks before Easter the lenten season starts.  For those in the church Lent is the time to prepare for the event that intersects history with untold consequences.

Unfortunately Lent has gotten a bad rap, bad press and generally is disliked.  You see, most people think of it as a time to give up something.  So some give up chocolate, some smoking, some coffee.  Sort of give up something that is bad for you.  Give up something without a reason, just do it because it is expected.

And that’s where the depth of Lent needs to be explored once again.  I’m going to talk about “living forward”.  The season is more about looking to the good news of Jesus for the world.  If all we think of is how bad it is to give up something bad, we’ve missed it!!

But, if we think of living forward into the future, of moving forward from where we are at right now, of forwarding our fears onto God, of becoming forward in telling others about Jesus, of being forward thinking . . . perhaps we will be excited about what we can leave behind, what we can forsake, what we can give up.

That’s the start.  I can hardly wait to see what evolves from here!

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