New faces

Today I met more of the youth of our town.  Three young ladies at a Drug and Alcohol Wellness Network meeting, and three young men at a music jam session.

I enjoy working with youth.  They are both refreshing and frustrating.  I’m glad for myself the refreshing tends to win out more often than the opposite.

So, I’m home now.  Refreshed.

Meanwhile, a friend is in the hospital with a racing heart.  Laying in a hospital room where they can monitor his heartbeat.  And listening to other emergency cases.  I noticed he has a set of headphones hooked up to a DVD player.  Sometimes the distractions of life are a good thing.

Another friend is fighting addictions.  His emotions are stretched and his responses can range as wide as the ocean. 

May God keep us all in renewed states of seeking after Him.  That’s where real rest and refreshment are to be found.  Whether we are sick, addicted, afflicted  or in good health, there is a foundation of sanity that can only be found in the one who created us all!!

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