Some times you just go!
Our friend Lloyd and his wife Lynn are in Calgary — four hours from home. Lloyd is there for cancer treatments. How are things? On a scale of 1 – 10, indications are that this is not a 10!
Sometimes you just need to be there. To support each other even though you can’t humanly “fix things.”
This weekend a group is hoping to head down as well. For that I have nothing but commendations!
I have been a pastor for a number of years. This commitment to a friend is a true indication of what a local church about.
Friendships are diamonds in life’s garden
Keeping you in prayer, and May God reveal HIMSELF to all.
God Bless
Hi Ron…just wanted to say, “great sermon” on Good Friday!! my only disappointment is that you quit! but I did appreciate what you had to say and I look forward to hearing you speak again sometime soon. Bless ya!