On to tomorrow

I enjoyed a funeral today. 

Some people wonder if there are good funerals.

Yes, there are.  Where you know the person, their heart and their story.  And the story is consistent with their life.  One that follows Jesus.

Perhaps in a quiet way.  Perhaps in prayers only heard by the wife.  Perhaps in relationships with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren that is pure fun, includes teaching and love.

That’s what we saw and heard today.  Sheldon had that certain ability to be quietly gracious. 

Kind of makes you want to be like him.  Not a bad sign of a life of rightness!  The family heads back to Swift Current tonight.  Gene, his wife, will spend a few days at home, then head to one of her children’s — perhaps for the summer.  Mostly for a break. 

And we’ll pray for her and the family.  That God will strengthen and keep her in all her ways.

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