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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Yesterday was uneventful (I had traveling mercies and was able to attend to each place I had on my list).  At the same time there were events.  Epiphanies if you want to call them that.  I can hardly wait to enter day TWO.

The idea today is to meet for lunch with some denominational pastors from the region.  We will discuss our vision for the area.

Now, I called the meeting and I’m providing the meal, so I will work from my agenda.  I want to talk a bit about what I am seeing.  And I want to hear from them. 

This morning will  include a bit of grocery shopping and meal preparation.  After the meal I will see how well I can summarize my visioning thoughts.  In the end, I want to prepare some type of distributable “thing”. 

And Saturday – I’m already working on a bit of a “speech” as I dedicate my life in the burnt offering of a new wineskin!  All sounds mysterious – I’ll have to jot some thoughts in the following blogs on how this has worked.

Pray with and for me in these days.  Deo Gloria!


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’m up and cycling.  My morning routine includes 20 minutes of cycling (or 5 miles of riding on my stationary bike).  Then some sit-ups and off to the day ahead.

Today, I’m going to visit a number of places and think, pray and cogitate (look that one up!).  At the end of the day I will synthesize and prepare for Day TWO.

That which is upon my heart is a new wineskin for my new normal.  That includes work and play, family and friends, and of course how I connect with God.

This is not an attempt to “deconstruct” what is already there.  Instead, I build upon a great legacy in my life.  And I look for an even great joy and service in the coming years.

Who knows how many years we may have.  If today is the next day of your life, consider what your Day ONE should look like as you look into your future!!

Visioning Advance

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’m headed into a few days of visioning. 

Last night I began a preparation process – which didn’t feel much like preparation.  But as I awoke this morning, my brain must have been functioning.  All sorts of ideas have bubbled up and I’m off to the type of “retreat” that suits me!

Pray for me as I go about this exercise.  The simple question I am asking myself is:  “In three years time what will my vocation (calling from God) look like?”  This encompasses three points of intersection – the church I do my “vocare” (calling) in, my own life, and my God.

I will “officially” begin tomorrow and am hoping to have a ceremony of commitment by Saturday.  I’m eager to see what this looks like!

Grandkid birthday cards

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

So, I guess I get a little latitude here!  As a proud grandfather, I was quite pleased when Christopher and Hannah prepared their version of BCARDS!

Below is their artwork.  Christopher’s is the much more organized picture with the family standing around and enjoying a day together.  Hannah is much freer in her thought – something about life and the world and those big picture things that happen all around us.

chris and hannah bcard 2012 small