A morning prayer – on God’s Grace

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

From A.W. Tozer – “The Knowledge of the Holy”, in his section on The Grace of God:

God of all grace, whose thoughts toward us are ever thoughts of peace and not evil, give us hearts to believe that we are accepted in the Beloved; and give us minds to admire that perfection of moral wisdom which found a way to preserve the integrity of heaven and yet receive us there.

We are astonished and marvel that one so holy and dread should invite us into Thy banqueting house and cause love to be the banner over us.  We cannot express the gratitude we feel, but look Thou on our hearts and read it there.


Sight and sound

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

That’s how I would describe the picture outside the window.  Our summer thunderstorms are worse than winter blizzard whiteouts.  The storms come in uncontained by the warm weather that generates them.  They splash flashbulbs of light over the sky.  They peal out thunder claps deafening the ears.

And then they are gone.  Not before some have crawled under the covers.  And others have stood on the doorstep gawking.

This is the peril of summer and also the excitement. 

I’m watching the fireworks and gulping in the rumbles.

And perhaps soon the electricity will fail.

There is a majesty to God’s creation that inspires me, and a part that creates fear.  May we all learn to consider God’s creation in light of his might.

Settling in and moving out

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’ve been trying to describe to myself what is happening in my life.  With the passing of my wife, I have a certain urgency upon me.  Not every day, not every minute, often in spurts and most often in a deep settled peace. 

In the midst of urgency I remind myself that I can’t change everything but I can change some things.

Yesterday I had two people who pushed me to consider where I’m at. 

I have settled in.  I sleep in a single bed.  I have to think about my next meal.  I know I can reach out but I can’t touch the person who was my companion for almost 40 years.

At the same time I’m moving out.  One of my friends yesterday asked if I was willing to be spontaneous, or if I needed to control everything that was happening.  Another asked me to consider a change in emphasis in ministry.   Both very legitimate questions.

I had developed a slogan for our church lately.  And now the three prongs are coming home to roust.  I desire to be:  Submitted to Christ, Committed to the Community and Eager to Serve. 

I wonder where that will take me??

Awesome neighbours (or how the rainbow falls!)

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Yesterday morning I was putting out the weekly garbage.  I saw across the street that Bonnie was trying to contain all her garbage to the two containers we are allowed.  I suggested she put some in mine (I’ve been away for a week, so I didn’t have much)!

We combined our garbage (who would have ever thought that would be a good thing).  Then she turned to me.  She mentioned she had taken some pictures of my house when our last hail storm had finished.  This is like a symbol for what has happened here, and the promise for the future. 

Not a bad thought.  Here is the picture.

July 2012 002