When a comment is all you need

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Yesterday morning I awoke to branches sprayed all over the yard.

The last few days before I arrived back, the sky had been ominous yellow and the clouds and weather unpredictable.  Wind storms churned up the sky last night.  So much so, that truckloads of debris have been taken to our local dump today!

In the early hours of the morning, I raked up what branches I could.  In the evening, a neighbour hauled them away.

My first thoughts as I was raking were – “I wonder what Jill would say.”

You see, in the past few years she was unable to do a lot of manual labour.  Her love of gardening was restricted.  She would watch me in the morning, out our back window.  Then, when I arrived inside, she would remark on the little things that made up the work I had been doing.

Nothing big.  Just something she noticed.  The comment was not earth shattering.  But the comment was recognition that she was watching and cared about what I was doing.

Some of the greatest things I miss are the small chatterings of companionship.

Look what the wind blew in!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Quite literally the wind was strong and huffed and puffed and blew at me on the way home last night.

I arrived in at midnight and awoke  to the morning with branches all over the ground.  I cleaned some up, but as I look out my window, I see more coming down.  One lady was out checking her shingles!

So, I return to much to do and much ado! 

God always has His ways of keeping us on our toes – or at least braced for a bit more wind!

I’m stepping out the door

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Well, I’m on my way to Saskatoon for a memorial for my wife, Jill.

You are invited to attend!  The service will be at 2:00 in Belleville at “The Core” church.  My two children and two grandchildren will be there.  Jill’s brothers and sisters will also attend, along with my mother-in-law and other relatives.  As well, I expect some community people may come.

This is the final memorial service we have planned.  I have been so encouraged by each one that has come to the other two services (Kindersley, Prince Albert).  This will also be a great encouragement and I look forward to it!


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  • Reading time:2 mins read

So, I’m in the midst of thinking.  Anytime during the day.

Somehow the thought continually enters my mind, “What Would Jill Say?”  In the midst of dark thoughts, I’m heartened that she would “poke” me and send my thoughts elsewhere.  In the midst of bright thoughts, I’m heartened that she would remind me not to get too excited, but she would be excited with me.

As I thought through this, my mind then went to my own thoughts about how close Jesus is to me.  “What Would Jesus Say?” seems to have a much more distant ring to it.  I didn’t spend 35 years with Jesus, like I did with Jill. 

But I have spent 50 years following after Jesus.  Every once in awhile His Spirit does jog my memory towards doing the right thing, and when I’m happy there is this sense of peace that comes in (un)spoken ways.

So today, I’m wondering and wandering back to Jesus.  Just to catch a glimpse from others about Him, and to examine my own life to see where His path has intersected my path, and to ask Him to spend time talking with me today.