Beat the rain – twice!
Today was "clean the garage day!"
I started with piles of wood. I’m a sucker for other than plywood and pine! So, I had collected chunks of wood, most too small to use. The pile grew until Jill called me for breakfast.
At that point, after consuming some granola, the skies were looking forboding (not because of the granola, but because the clouds were full of water!). We loaded the car and drove to our waste management site (we used to call it the dump, but inow the "dump" is much more sophisticated than the days when you put everything together, dumped the garbage and let the garbage "man" push it all into a heap and burn it).
As we approached the WMS site a drop or two of rain stained our windshield. The WMS operator hurried us off to the "wood pile" before the dirt path turned to mud. As the last piece was thrown on the "pile", the rain began to fall.
Later in the afternoon, with a counter top and a box of miscellaneous "junk", we once again headed to the WMS. There again, the sky gathered around us. Ever felt claustrophobia — in the midst of the land of the living skies. Well, the skies were living, churning and closing in on us. We once again headed to the wood pile. This time a friend stopped to say "Hi." Great place to have a conversation, right next to garbage bales and sea gulls. As we talked the drops began to fall — I grabbed the counter top and acted like a discus thrower. Having achieved Olympic glory, and having recycled the garbage, we headed home.
Twice in one day — the downpour missed us and we missed the downpour. Not bad!!